WebGL Atomic Nucleus Structure




Period s1 s2   p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6
1 H-1 He-2              
2 Li-3 Be-4 B-5 C-6 N-7 O-8 F-9 Ne-10
3 Na-11 Mg-12 * Al-13 Si-14 P-15 S-16 Cl-17 Ar-18
4 K-19 Ca-20 * Ga-31 Ge-32 As-33 Se-34 Br-35 Kr-36
5 Rb-37 Sr-38 * In-49 Sn-50 Sb-51 Te-52 I-53 Xe-54
6 Cs-55 Ba-56 * Tl-81 Pb-82 Bi-83 Po-84 At-85 Rn-86
7 Fr-87 Ra-88 * Uut-113 Uuq-114 Uup-115 Uuh-116 Uus-117 Uuo-118

Period d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10
4* Sc-21 Ti-22 V-23 Cr-24 Mn-25 Fe-26 Co-27 Ni-28 Cu-29 Zn-30
5* Y-39 Zr-40 Nb-41 Mo-42 Tc-43 Ru-44 Rh-45 Pd-46 Ag-47 Cd-48
6* Pm-61 Sm-62 Eu-63 Gd-64 Tb-65 Dy-66 Ho-67 Er-68 Tm-69 Yb-70
Lu-71 Hf-72 Ta-73 W-74 Re-75 Os-76 Ir-77 Pt-78 Au-79 Hg-80
7* Np-93 Pu-94 Am-95 Cm-96 Bk-97 Cf-98 Es-99 Fm-100 Md-101 No-102
Lr-103 Rf-104 Db-105 Sg-106 Bh-107 Hs-108 Mt-109 Ds-110 Rg-111 Uub-112

Period f1 f2 f3 f4
6** La-57 Ce-58 Pr-59 Nd-60
7** Ac-89 Th-90 Pa-91 U-92

The cube shape atomic nucleus 1x1x4 Helium-4

The cube shape atomic nucleus 3x3x4 Argon-36

The cube shape atomic nucleus 3x3x5 Argon-44

The cube shape atomic nucleus 3x5x5 Germanium-74

The cube shape atomic nucleus 5x5x5 Xenon-124

The cube shape atomic nucleus 7x7x7 Oganesson-342

The biggest atomic nucleus possible

The largest stable atomic nucleus

The nucleus which made the atomic bomb - Uranium-235

The nucleus which made the atomic bomb - Uranium-235

The only naturally occurring stable nuclear isomer Ta-180m1

The unstable nuclear ground state Ta-180

The heaviest stable atomic nuclues Bismuth 209Bi (83.126.-9/2)

The Nuclear Isomer EMP Weapon Controversy

Nuclear isomer

Nuclear Isomers: Recipes from the Past and Ingredients for the Future



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