Neutron Electromagnetic Structure

Let us assume that the following is the neutron electromagnetic structure

Neutron Electric charge
The Electric charge density is as follows:

Thus we have

The neutron electric charge density is as follows:

X coordinate is the radius with as the length unit
Y coordinate is the electric charge density with e as the electric charge unit
Neutron electric charge density

Neutron electric charge within sphere of radius r:

X coordinate is the radius with as the length unit
Y coordinate is the electric charge with e as the electric charge unit


The neutron as a whole has zero electric charge.


Neutron Magnetic Charge
If the magnetic charge density is:

Then the neutron magnetic charge can be written as



We can get the neutron magnetic charge of the northern hemisphere as the following:




The neutron as a whole has zero magnetic charge


The neutron's electromagnetic field angular momentum
The electromagnetic field angular momentum density is defined as:

is the electromagnetic angular momentum
Base on the neutron electromagnetic field equation, we can get the following:

X coordinate is the radius with as the length unit
Y coordinate is the angular moment with  as unit



Based on our neutron electromagnetic model, the neutron always has half spin, the neutron spin has an electromagnetic origin. The neutron spin is the neutron's electromagnetic field angular moment.


Neutron's magnetic moment

The neutron magnetic moment is as follows

As we know


Thus we have 

Neutron's Electric field energy

The electric field energy density is as follows:

This is the electron electric energy within the sphere of radius r.
We can get the neutron's total electric field energy as

X coordinate is the radius with as the distance unit
Y coordinate is the electric energy with  as the energy unit.


Let us define

Neutron's magnetic field energy

The magnetic field energy density is:


The neutron's magnetic field energy is as follows

This is the neutron's magnetic field energy

Since we know the neutron's electric field energy as

Then the neutron's electromagnetic field energy becomes

Assuming the neutron's mass has an electromagnetic field origin, then

For the neutron, the ratio of the magnetic energy to the electric field energy is